A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I've been 'mommy blogging' for the last twelve years or so and have finally had to lock the sucker up because one of my internet savvy daughters found it and I'm not sure I want them reading my personal, adult life stories until they are a tad bit older- like 40.
Anyhow, I figured I would channel my blogging obsession by creating (yes, I know, one of many) a blog about perfume(love!), make-up(love!), fashion(love! but only if it fits) and shoes. Yes, I love shoes. You know how some people collect Hummel figurines or holiday themed sweater vests? Well, I collect marvelous and varied perfumes and shoes. I also have a weakness for the whole gift-with-purchase concept, so I usually wait to order or stock up on my cosmetics when I can get something 'free' along with it. Don't we LOVE free?!?
I also have one daughter who wouldn't touch any of it with a ten foot pole and another who loves to do my make-up and shop for perfume and always sneaks off with my lipstick.
I will try to share fabulousness with you as often as I can, especially when I find an excellent deal or something I just have to urge *everyone* to try. (I have a promoter type personality, I'm told). When I'm not doing such vital things as blogging and driving my kids around, I am a freelance reviewer(top 500 on Amazon, though I do not get paid for my reviews, just advanced reader copies of books), editor, proofreader and a professional photographer-weddings and families mostly (oh, the stories I could tell about drunken bridesmaids brawling in puke in the ladies room). I am also working on my second book with the first to be published thi year.
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